An Ode on Water
Water still
Water reflecting
Water ripple
Water shifting
Water movement
Water flowing
Evaporating up
Water lifting
Water cold
Frosty tips
Water cool
Lil paw dips
Water hot
A nice cup of tea
Solid liquid and gas-
The only element that can be all three.
Can't live without it.
Winter, Spring, Summer & Fall.
Our bodies. Our planet.
Keeping balance among us all.
Babie's first home.
Watery womb.
All five senses
learning to bloom.
Nourishing & encouraging
a seed to grow.
Unlocking Nature's perfect design,
with raindrops that fall to and fro
Emotions pouring out.
Salt water tears.
A heart's release
of love, grief and fears.
Making grooves and new pathways.
Earnestly moving towards a goal.
Or simply floating along,
with what's good for the soul
Dewy sweat drops
from exercise or heat.
Remembering to replenish with water, electrolytes
and something healthy to eat.
A cold shock to the system
as we plunge.
Increasing serotonin.
Our brain and gut taking it up like a sponge.
Water signs-
Cancer, Scorpio, & Pisces.
Emotional & Intuitive.
More than what the eye sees.
Water organs in TCM:
Kidney & Bladder.
Bring wisdom & stamina,
but will speak up after too much clatter.
A well that runs dry
reminds us to appreciate.
Cada gota conta!
Being more mindful of our water use,
so we can continue to grow, clean, & hydrate.
Water is Life!
Ain't that right?!
So take a moment of gratitude for that H2O
day & night.